2013年10月26日 星期六

10/21 公共圖書館

IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines 
The legal and financial framework [法律與財務框架]

2.1 Introduction 介紹 
Public libraries are a community agency providing access at the local level to a range of knowledge and information for the benefit of the individual and society as a whole. In order to maintain the level of service required to fulfill their functions public libraries should be 
supported by legislation and sustained funding. 

2.3 Public library legislation 公共圖書館立法
The establishment of public libraries should be based on legislation, which assures their continuance and place in the government structure. Public library legislation takes various forms. In some countries or regions the legislation is specific to public libraries whereas in others it is part of wider legislation which includes different types of libraries. Public library legislation is also varied in its provisions. It can be simple, allowing the establishment of public libraries but leaving standards of service to the level of government directly responsible for the library, or more complex, with specific detail on what services should be provided and to what standard. Because governmental structures vary so much in different countries the form and detail of public library legislation is also likely to vary significantly. However, legislation governing public libraries should state which level of government is responsible for provision and how they should be funded. It should also place them in the framework of libraries in the country or region as a whole. 

2.4.3 Sources of funding 資金的來源
A number of sources of funding are used to finance public libraries but the proportions of funding from each source will vary depending on local factors in each country.  
The primary sources are:  
taxation at local, regional or central level 
• block grants from central, regional or local level.  
Secondary sources of income may include:  
donations from funding bodies or private individuals
• revenue from commercial activities, e.g., publishing, book sales, sale of works of art and handicrafts
• revenue from customer fees, e.g., fines
• revenue from charges to customers for individual services, e.g., photocopying and printing facilities 
sponsorship from external organisations 
• lottery funds for specific initiatives. 

3. Meeting the needs of the customers 滿足使用者需求

‘The services of the public library are provided on the basis of equality of access for all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status. To ensure nation wide library coordination and cooperation, legislation and strategic plans must also define and promote a national library network based on agreed standards of service. The public library network must be designed in relation to national, regional, research and special libraries as well as libraries in schools, colleges and universities. Services have to be physically accessible to all members of the community. This requires well situated library buildings, good read- ing and study facilities, as well as relevant technologies and sufficient opening hours convenient to the users. It equally implies out- reach services for those unable to visit the library. The library services must be adapted to the different needs of communities in rural and urban areas.’                  
3.1 Introduction 導論
To be successful in fulfilling its goals the public library service must be fully accessible to all its customers. Customer is the term used primarily throughout the Guidelines (just as user, patron or client might be) to optimise consideration of public library nonusers as potential customers. Also implicit in the term customer, individuals have expressed wants and needs to be identifed and met. Customers ultimately have the choice of participating in public library service offered or not. Therefore, any limitation of access, whether deliberate or accidental, will reduce the ability of the public library to fully achieve its primary mission and role of meeting the library and information needs of the community served. The following are important elements in delivering an effective public library service: 
• identifying potential customers 
• analysing customers’ needs 
• developing services to groups and individuals 
• introducing customer care policies 
• promoting library use education 
• cooperating and sharing resources
• developing electronic networks
• ensuring access to services 
• providing library buildings. 


  • 識別潛在的用戶
  • 分析用戶需求
  • 制訂團體和個人服務項目
  • 秉詛關心用白政策
  • 促進用戶教育
  • 合作與共享資源
  • 發展電子網絡
  • 確保服務的利用
  • 提供圖書館建築設施

2013年10月20日 星期日

10/14 公共圖書館


-->鄉鎮圖書館:人口總數未達十五萬人者,置管理員一人、幹事一人;人口總數在十五萬人以上未達三十萬人者,置管理員一人、幹事一人、書記一人;人口總數在三 十萬人以上者,置管理員一人、幹事一人、書記二人。

公立公共圖書館館藏量以人口總數每人一冊(件)為發展目標;其基本 藏量及年增加量
-->鄉鎮圖書館:應有二萬冊(件),每年至少增加一千冊 (件)

公立公共圖書館基本館舍面積,得依人口總數與館藏數量多寡定之,其 計算基準

館藏量7萬多冊  82年啟用至102年館藏量應有4萬冊  符合標準
館舍面積305坪  700平方公尺=211.45坪 符合標準

2013年10月12日 星期六

10/7 公共圖書館

 IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines
 - The mission and purposes of the public library [公共圖書館的任務與目標]

1.1 Introduction 

This chapter is a general statement(一般性發言) on the mission (as defined and mandated(授權) by IFLA/UNESCO 1994, Appendix 1) and purpose of the public library. The key issues reviewed are developed in greater detail in later chapters. 

1.2 Defining the public library
 Public libraries are a world-wide(世界各地的) phenomenon. Libraries occur in a variety of societies, in differing cultures and at different stages of development. Although the varied contexts in which libraries operate inevitably(必將) result in differences in the services provided, and the way those services are delivered(交付), libraries normally have characteristics in common, which can be defined as follows. A public library is an organisation established, supported and funded(資助) by the community, either through local, regional or national government or through some other form of community organisation. It provides access to knowledge, information, lifelong learning, and works of the imagination(想像力) through a range of resources and services and is equally(一樣) available to all members of the community regardless(不論) of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, language, disability, economic and employment status and educational attainment(素養). 

1.3 The purposes of the public library 
The primary(主要) purpose of the public library is to provide resources and services in a variety of media to meet the needs of individuals(個人) and groups for education, information  and personal development including recreation(娛樂) and leisure. They have an important role in the development and maintenance of a democratic(民主的) society by giving the individual access to a wide and varied range of knowledge, ideas and opinions. 
The Council(評議會) for Public Libraries initiated a new vision statement for Finnish public libraries, “The Library is a meeting place of people and ideas. Library: Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering(賦權).” The Guidelines and Standards for Queensland(昆士蘭) Public Libraries were designed to improve current procedures(程序) and provide achievable goals for the public libraries in Queensland, Australia. The standards are seen as a guide towards achieving ‘best practice’ for those responsible for the management of public library services (see Appendix 6). 

2013年10月6日 星期日

作業 公共圖書館參訪






我覺得在台灣圖書館借書是非常方便的,櫃台有很多個而且還有自動借書系統。找尋資料時,因為分類整理相當分明,算是很快就可以找到自己想要的資料。最讓我感興趣的是,圖書館裡有很多特分區是收藏一些特定資料供使用者使用。例: 青少年悅讀區、多元文化資源區

9/30 公共圖書館

公共圖書館宣言 1994
Unesco Public Library Manifesto 1994
社會及個人的自由繁榮發展, 是基本人權之一
公共圖書館是一個教育文化、及資訊的單位, 也是孕育和平及心靈福祉的場所
地方的資訊中心, 備有各種知識及資訊供讀者取用
公共圖書館提供無私的服務, 不因年齡、種族、性別、信仰、國籍、語文及社會地位而有差異。少數民族、身心障礙人士、住院病患、在監人士等, 有事實上的困難, 無法利用常態性的服務及資料時, 公共圖書館應針對他們的需求, 提供特別服務。目的是讓使用者得到相同的服務水準
以下這些任務與資訊、識字(素養)、教育及文化有關, 應該做為公共圖書館服務的核心:
  1. 從小強化兒童的閱讀習慣。教育
  2. 支援各種層級的正規教育及自我進修。教育
  3. 提供個人開創發展的機會。資訊
  4. 刺激兒童及青少年的想像力及創造力。資訊
  5. 促進對文化遺產的重視、對藝術的欣賞、對科學成就及發明的尊重。文化
  6. 讓表演藝術有演出的機會。素養
  7. 嘗試各種文化, 欣賞其間的差異。文化
  8. 贊助口語傳統。文化
  9. 確保居民能夠接觸各種社區資訊。資訊
  10. 對地方性的企業、協會及成長團體提供適當的資訊服務。資訊
  11. 助長資訊及電腦技能的發展。教育
  12. 贊助及參與各種年齡層的掃除文盲活動, 必要時, 可以主動發起這類活動。素養






  • 支援與強化經由學校宣示的任務與課程體現出來的教育目標
  • 發展並支持學童的閱讀與學習的習慣和趣味,終其一生使用圖書館
  • 提供創造與使用資訊的機會,形成知識、諒解、想像和享受
  • 支援學生評鑑與使用多種形式、格式與媒體的資訊,做為學習及實踐技術所需,包括社區內敏感的溝通模式。
  • 提供近用本地、地區、全國與全球的資源與機會,讓學生接觸多元的杷念、經驗與意見。
  • 組織各種活動,鼓勵文化與社會化的覺察與敏感度。
  • 與學生、教師、行政人員與家長攜手達成學校的任務,宣告智性自由與近用資訊是達成負責公民與參與民主的必要部份。
  • 推動閱讀,將學校圖書館的資源與服務,推向整個學校社區及其以外的地域。